Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30


1) "Guinea Pig Theater"
2) Discuss reading so far
3) Act out scene from play two different ways - which is truer, more natural?

HW: What is the nature of the scene between Pozzo and Lucky? Contemplate their presence. What notes and themes do they bring into the play? Do they change the tone? Do we learn anything new about Vladimir and Estragon as a result of their presence? How do they react to Pozzo and Lucky?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29


1) Examples of Theater of the Absurd / Comedy
2) Read part of Act 1 - Waiting for Godot

HW: Reading Waiting for Godot; respond to questions (see below)

Reading of Waiting for Godot - Day 1 homework

Questions for reading Day 1

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28


1) Handout vocabulary for the week
2) Literary terms (handout) - tragicomedy, the fourth wall , stycomithea, Existentialism
3) Theater of the Absurd / Samuel Beckett

HW: 1-Vocabulary due tomorrow.
2 -Read the 32 insults and the 21 humorous quips and select five and tell me why you think they are funny or what makes them funny? Is there tragedy in comedy; and comedy in tragedy? Explain.

Theatre of the Absurd

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November 22


Essay & Vocabulary

Answer the following question in a thoughtful, well-organized essay:

Compare your thought process to that of the average chimpanzee or shampoo slave.  Be sure to define and analyze the following concepts: signs, symbols, referents, meaning situations, and the relationship of language to power.

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21


1) Socratic seminar on "Are you a Shampoo Slave?"
2) Begin homework if time...

HW: Handout on shampoo; come to you own conclusion about whether people should use shampoo; argue your point to someone prior to coming to class.

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18


1) Vocabulary Quiz (take out your active reading notes while you take quiz so I can give you points for your homework)
2) Discuss reading from homework
3) Group discussion/class discussion - Existentialism - who are we and why do we exist?

HW: Meanings, signs and symbols part 3 - come to class on Monday prepared to answer the question, "Are you a Shampoo Slave?"

meanings signs and symbols 3

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17


1) Video
2) Discuss the reading from the homework
3) Intro into Drama/Comedy and the similarities and differences

HW: Read Meaning, Signs and Symbols part 2 and be ready to discuss on Friday - take active reading notes

meanings signs and symbols 2

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16


Due to the assembly - classes will read homework and begin taking active reading notes in class

HW: Read Meaning, Signs and Symbols part 1 and be ready to discuss in class on Thursday - take active reading notes

meanings signs and symbols 1

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November 15


1) Vocabulary check
2) Journal Write:
     Write a outlandish fake absence excuse using any five of    this week's vocabulary words.
3) Complete poetry analysis as a class

Vocabulary Quiz 8

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14


1) Vocabulary worksheet handout
2) Vocabulary quiz
3) Poetry analysis presentations

HW: Vocabulary sentences; rewrite
"From the Lighthouse"

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10


1) Journal Write -
Every once in a while, often during moments of extreme stress, ordinary people do extraordinary things. What makes this possible? Can you apply this idea over the next few weeks to achieve your academic goals for the semester?

2) Group work on poem - exchange ideas and thoughts;
write up two paragraphs analyzing the poem
3) Poem handout, annotate, analyze and be ready to present to class on Monday

HW: Study vocabulary; poem annotation

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9


1) Practice CAHSEE Test
2) Student conferences

HW: Handout on Flora Podmore, "From the Lighthouse"; read and annotate as much as possible and be ready to discuss or possibly turn in your annotations or possibly have a quiz on the poem.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8


1) Vocabulary sentences
2) CAHSEE Practice Test

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7


1) Vocabulary worksheets handed out
2) Poems read from Friday's class
3) Handout on poetry assignment / grade conference handout
4) Literary terms PPT

HW: Vocabulary worksheets; read and answer questions to poem in journals

My Papa's Waltz

Lit terms poetry

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4


1) Word choice, word order, and tone - 2 poems compared

HW: Literature Analysis!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 3


1) Review class analysis'
2) Look at AP student analysis
3) Discussion

Writing a Critique or Analysis:
1st Part - give an overview of the ideas and themes, and states the reader's view of the poem.
2nd Part - give a detailed explanation of how the ideas are developed and presented each paragraph deals with a separate aspect, ie argument, structure, language. Each paragraph is supported with examples and details.
3rd Part - a brief summary of the main argument about the poem and its effectiveness.

November 2


1) Read "Spring and Fall (To a Young Child)"
by Gerald Manley Hopkins
2) Analyze the poem

3) Write a group analysis

HW: Good time to think about getting a literary analysis done. No other homework this week.


1.        accusatory-charging of wrong doing
2.        apathetic-indifferent due to lack of energy or concern
3.        awe-solemn wonder
4.        bitter-exhibiting strong animosity as a result of pain or grief
5.        cynical-questions the basic sincerity and goodness of people
6.        condescension; condescending-a feeling of superiority
7.        callous-unfeeling, insensitive to feelings of others
8.        contemplative-studying, thinking, reflecting on an issue
9.        critical-finding fault
10.     choleric-hot-tempered, easily angered
11.     contemptuous-showing or feeling that something is worthless or lacks respect
12.     caustic-intense use of sarcasm; stinging, biting
13.     conventional-lacking spontaneity, originality, and individuality
14.     disdainful-scornful
15.     didactic-author attempts to educate or instruct the reader
16.     derisive-ridiculing, mocking
17.     earnest-intense, a sincere state of mind
18.     erudite-learned, polished, scholarly
19.     fanciful-using the imagination
20.     forthright-directly frank without hesitation
21.     gloomy-darkness, sadness, rejection
22.     haughty-proud and vain to the point of arrogance
23.     indignant-marked by anger aroused by injustice
24.     intimate-very familiar
25.     judgmental-authoritative and often having critical opinions
26.     jovial-happy
27.     lyrical-expressing a poet’s inner feelings; emotional; full of images; song-like
28.     matter-of-fact--accepting of conditions; not fanciful or emotional
29.     mocking-treating with contempt or ridicule
30.     morose-gloomy, sullen, surly, despondent
31.     malicious-purposely hurtful
32.     objective-an unbiased view-able to leave personal judgments aside
33.     optimistic-hopeful, cheerful
34.     obsequious-polite and obedient in order to gain something
35.     patronizing-air of condescension
36.     pessimistic-seeing the worst side of things; no hope
37.     quizzical-odd, eccentric, amusing
38.     ribald-offensive in speech or gesture
39.     reverent-treating a subject with honor and respect
40.     ridiculing-slightly contemptuous banter; making fun of
41.     reflective-illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions
42.     sarcastic-sneering, caustic
43.     sardonic-scornfully and bitterly sarcastic
44.     satiric-ridiculing to show weakness in order to make a point, teach
45.     sincere-without deceit or pretense; genuine
46.     solemn-deeply earnest, tending toward sad reflection
47.     sanguineous -optimistic, cheerful
48.     whimsical-odd, strange, fantastic; fun

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1


1) Looking at movie reviews / music reviews / theater reviews / book reviews
2) How do these relate to us?
3) Handouts on poetry to get us started