Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8


1) Turn in letter (both)
2) Introduction to satire / ppt

HW: Satire assignment due tomorrow; Vocabulary quiz tomorrow;
Non fiction literary analysis due in one week - March 16

I am trying to attach the PPT from today but it is having problems - I will keep trying. In the meantime - here is the assignment for tonight:
Find a magazine advertisement or company logo/slogan.
Create a parody, satire, or both using inspiration from the advertisement or logo/slogan.
You can either create an entirely new image or manipulate the existing image with new words and graphics.
Write a one paragraph explanation of your parody/satire to show that you know why it is one or the other (or both).  On the back of your advertisement, you will include your one paragraph explanation.  Remember to use proper grammar, sentence structure, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.  You will attach a flap with tape.  Under the flap you will have the “answer” to your advertisement. This is where you will indicate if your advertisement is a satire, parody, or both.

You could parody almost any company logo.
Think about controversial topics or problems we have in our world today.  You can satirize one of these issues and parody a logo/slogan at the same time.
If you are strictly creating a satire, you do not need to directly reference a company or brand. Your work must be school appropriate! 

Satire - for real_

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